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Nancy Curotto, Psy.D- Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Main Address
Pet Loss Psychotherapy
Pet Loss Counselors / Specialists
2334 W Lawrence Ave
Suite 218
Illinois, 60625
Nancy Curotto, Psy.D LLC
Office Phone: (312) 409-7182
Fax: (888) 972-9742
Home Phone: (312) 409-7182
Dr. Nancy Curotto has been in private practice for over 20 years, assisting individuals and families with anticipated loss, death, and mourning. Her treatment style is interactive and specially tailored to each client. Dr. Curotto brings to the clinical setting, specifically pet loss or anticipated loss, a focused treatment, years of mindfulness study/practice, and is EMDR certified ( i.e., Eye Movement Reprocessing Desensitization). She received her doctorate in clinical psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology and a certification in pet loss and bereavement in 2009 from For more information about her practice, please visit or
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