Back in 2010 I was working as a waitress in a strip mall, and there was a pet store located right next to the restaurant. Naturally I would go visit the puppies during my downtime.
One afternoon, I walked in, and a perfect baby boy was sitting in one of the windows – a puggle! I had been looking out for one for some time, and there he was, looking back at me. He was about four months old, had the longest legs and big floppy ears, and was giving me the most intense puppy dog eyes I had ever seen. My heart melted instantly, and I asked the shop owner to hold him. I remember he was so warm and cuddled right up into my neck. I put a deposit down before I had to go back over to work and picked him up at the end of my shift.
I decided to call him Jax.
From that day forward, Jax and I were inseparable. We did everything together. Having Jax by my side made life so much better. Lake days, beach days, hikes, cross-country road trips, we even slept side by side. If Jax was happy, I was happy, and I’m certain that feeling was mutual. He was my world, the greatest love of my life, and I made sure to tell him every night before we went to sleep, “I am so lucky to be your mom”.
From the wild puppy years to the precious senior ones, our connection and respect for one another grew and grew. Jax taught me lessons about life that I will cherish forever. There truly is nothing that compares to the privilege of being loved by a dog.
Jax passed on March 10, 2023, just before his 13th birthday. While losing “my heart and soul dog” has caused the most devastating pain I have ever felt, I feel so blessed to have experienced life with him, and I smile at the daily reminders he sends to let me know he will always be in my heart and by my side.