This is a growing service that is very much needed. Only veterinarians who perform home euthanasia are listed, here.
We require that these professionals first inject a sedative so the pet won’t have to feel the IV. After that, although it is not conditional, we recommend that an IV catheter be placed in administering the euthanizing agent. It is understood that in exceptional cases alternate special means may be preferred.
We are honored to offer these listings, but the APLB can not endorse any of the practitioners listed on these pages. The individual choice and responsibility must be solely that of the client.
In-Home Euthanasia Preparations
We have always strongly recommended euthanasia, when it is finally called for. Please read our other webpages on this. Although in-office procedures are fine, there are added benefits to the pet and owner if it can be performed at home. But please realize that there are circumstances when that might not be right for some people.
Having a beloved pet euthanized at home can be the most personal and respectful thing that can be done for it. This lovingly avoids the trauma that most animals (and their owners) experience, when taken away to a vet’s office. And there is no upsetting trip in a car or carrier, at this very special time. At home there is a unique sense of intimacy and final privacy that can’t be experienced anywhere else.
Home means so much to a pet, and there is no better place one would want to spend its final moments with its master or mistress. There is an indescribable sense of finality and breaking of the physical bond, during euthanasia, and we never want to later think we could have done more. Although this can also be perfectly performed in the vet’s office, it is not the same. Here it provides a unique final sharing and intimacy, in the place the pet loves most. The term euthanasia means “good death”, and doing it at home adds something special to achieving that.
But please note that there are many practical considerations that have to be though through, beforehand. Most pet owners are in a heightened emotional state at this time, and can easily overlook many of these. So we are offering the following forethoughts for your consideration and assistance.
- A vet performing this personal house call will have to charge a lot more than if the service were done in the office.
- Select the date – if possible not on a holiday or birthday or anniversary.
- What room will it be done in?
- What will be done with the pet’s body, afterward? Most vets will take it for pickup by an aftercare service, but you need to make those arrangements beforehand. Or you may want to take the body there, yourself.
- Will you have it cremated or buried? It is important to discuss arrangements in advance, such as the casket or urn, and other offerings that are available. And do you know the range of prices for all the options you will be offered?
- Would you want to invite anyone special to be there, at the time? But in most cases, the fewer present, the better. You can always have a memorial service, later.
- What type of experience would you like to have during the euthanasia? Do you want the vet to explain each step in advance, or as it is being done? – Or would you prefer silence? You need to discuss this beforehand with the vet.