“…Emily makes a public offering of her personal struggle, allowing herself to fully mourn the loss of her beloved Poochie.” — Jo Marchant, editor of “The Bunny Thymes”, Ottawa, ON, Canada
“Emily has captured both the exquisite pleasure of loving an animal companion and all that brings on a daily basis…” — Vicki Burns, Executive Director, The Winnipeg Humane Society, MB, Canada
“Emily’s collection of poems are a must read for anyone who has suffered the loss of an animal companion.” — Edward Zapletal, editor of PETS magazine, Nov/Dec, 2000
“Emily’s description of her passage through grief will touch people’s lives and aid them to experience their grief.” — Dr.Cindy Adams,MSW,Ph.D.Human-Animal Relations Specialist, University of Guelph
“Emily’s poems are written with a warmth and honesty that plumb the depths of the grieving heart.” — Mary Montgomery, author of “Goodbye My Friend:Grieving the Loss of a Pet”
“I laughted, I cried, I was uplifted! This book was extraordinary and brought back powerful memories into my consciousness.” — Dr.Marty Becker,DVM,coauthor of “Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul”
“Through poems that allow us to glimpse her rabbit Poochie’s spirit and personality, she evokes pictures of our own losses.” — Kristi Dorian, writer for The Aquarian, Wpg, MB, Canada Spring 2000
How wonderful to find others who understand grieving for an animal and who can help one bring these feelings out. — Rita M. Reynolds, author of “Blessing the Bridge:What Animals Teach Us About Death, Dying, and Beyond”
From the Author