Recommended Reading
A collection of works to help you HEAL your heart
We have selected the books listed here for you. You will find books that cater to all age groups and backgrounds as well as professional and educational works.
Please contact us if you would like assistance in choosing a book.

Bringing together fourteen experts from across the United States and Canada, Bereaved Children and Teens is a comprehensive guide to helping children and adolescents cope with the emotional, religious, social, and physical consequences of a loved one's death. The result is an...

Freddy has a golden labrador called Biscuit, who loves going for runs in the park. Lately, Biscuit has been feeling exhausted and doesn't want to play any more. Freddy is really worried.
Then, one night, Freddy is woken by Biscuit,...

Explains how to cope with the death or loss of a beloved pet and argues that pet owners should not be embarassed by their feelings of grief

If you, or someone you know, have ever had to put a dog to sleep, then you will know the pain and guilt surrounding this most difficult decision of dog euthanasia. Are we playing God, or are we fulfilling a...

Since 2009, attendees of Beyond the Paw Print Pet Loss Support Group meetings have found validation of their grief as they shared their stories of love, loss, and lessons learned in a caring, judgment-free atmosphere. It has long been Dr....

From Dr. Marty Becker, co-author of the bestsellers Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul and Chicken Soup for the Cat and Dog Lover's Soul comes a ground-breaking new book that reveals the stirring stories and medical miracles behind the healing power of pets.