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Recommended Reading

A collection of works to help you HEAL your heart

We have selected the books listed here for you. You will find books that cater to all age groups and backgrounds as well as professional and educational works.

Please contact us if you would like assistance in choosing a book.

Charlotte’s Web (Trophy Newbery)

Don’t miss one of America’s top 100 most-loved novels, selected by PBS’s The Great American Read.

This beloved book by E. B. White, author of Stuart Little and The Trumpet of the Swan, is a classic of children's literature that is "just about perfect."...

Children, Great Gift, Pet Loss & Bereavement, Young Adult E. B. White
Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul

Animals bring out the goodness, humanity and optimism in people and speak directly to our souls. This joyous, inspiring and entertaining Chicken Soup collection relates the unique bonds between animals and the people whose lives they've changed.

All Ages, Pet Loss & Bereavement, Spiritual Jack Canfield
Children and Pet Loss: A Guide for Helping

This guide is a practical tool for veterinarians, teachers, counselors, parents, grandparents and others who are in a position to help children cope with the loss of a pet. Topics include understanding children's attachment to their pets and the significance...

Children, Guide, Pet Loss & Bereavement Marty Tousley
Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates: A Book of Hope...

The death of your beloved pet can be one of the most heartbreaking losses you'll ever endure. But recovery isn't only about closure. You also want to know where your best friend has gone.

All Ages, Pet Loss & Bereavement, Religious Gary Kurz
Conversations with My Old Dog

"Do you ever talk to your dogs? I do." Psychologist Dr. Robert Pasick and his loving but aging dog Lucy invite us into conversations about living and dying. You know the common questions we humans ask: What breed of dog...

All Ages, Dog Lovers, Pet Loss & Bereavement Robert Pasick
Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet

Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet is a compassionate, comprehensive guide to help you deal with the heartbreaking pain of losing a beloved animal companion. It shows you that you’re not alone, or crazy, or “over-reacting” to...

Pet Loss & Bereavement, Professionals Moira Allen
Coping with Stress and Burnout as a Veterinarian: An Evidence-Based...

The suicide rate for veterinarians is almost four times higher than the general population across the UK, Australia, US, New Zealand and Canada. The act of suicide is most usually at the end of a long road of distress. And...

Pet Loss & Bereavement, Professionals Nadine Hamilton
Crossing the Rubicon: Celebrating the Human-Animal Bond in Life and...

A gentle, helpful guide to surviving losing a loved animal companion. The interviews with experts, vets and shared wisdom from those who've lost a pet and survived to celebrate their beloved animal's life will help you find validation by knowing...

Adult, Pet Loss & Bereavement, Professionals Julie A. Kaufman
Dear Brave Friend

This gentle and heartwarming story captures the love between a boy and his dog, and the sadness that follows after his cherished dog passes away. Written in the form of a letter from the dog to the boy, the letter...

Children, Pet Loss & Bereavement Leigh Ann Gerk
Death, Society, and Human Experience, 10th edition

This landmark text on the sociology of death and dying draws on contributions from the social and behavioral sciences as well as the humanities, such as history, religion, philosophy, literature, and the arts, to provide thorough coverage of understanding death...

Adult, Educational, Pet Loss & Bereavement, Professionals Robert J. Kastenbaum
Dog Heaven

A comforting and playful exploration of a beloved dog's journey after a happy life on Earth.
In Newbery Medalist Cynthia Rylant's classic bestseller, the author comforts readers young and old who have lost a dog, as she did for...

Children, Dog Lovers, Illustrated, Pet Loss & Bereavement, Pre-school Cynthia Rylant
Dogs Leave Paw Prints Everywhere, Especially Upon Your Heart: Forever...

The Reflection Journal for Dog Lovers provides the space to reflect on your dog and the special relationship you share from both your dog’s perspective as well as your own. Celebrate your dog’s life — write, draw and doodle as you are...

All Ages, Dog Lovers, Great Gift, Journal, Pet Loss & Bereavement Carina MacDonald
Finding Peace After the Loss of a Loved Animal Companion

A spiritual guide and practical primer designed to help people of all ages and backgrounds cope with and recover from grief over the loss of beloved pet.

Children, Illustrated, Pet Loss & Bereavement, Spiritual Diane Pomerance PH.D.
Fly to Me: Extraordinary Lessons of Life And Death From...

Join author Ellie Hansen and her little dog Tyee on an incredible, inspirational journey that will capture your mind as Tyee gives after-life messages to his grieving family. Each page, with its uplifting true stories and beautiful photography, is a...

All Ages, Pet Loss & Bereavement, Spiritual Ellie Hansen
For Every Cat an Angel

For Every Cat An Angel celebrates the timeless connection between people and their "forever cats." From the moment a kitten is born, the book tells us, a guardian angel is there to welcome the kitten into the world and let...

All Ages, Cat Lovers, Children, Illustrated, Pet Loss & Bereavement, Spiritual Christine Davis
For Every Dog An Angel

For Every Dog An Angel celebrates the timeless connection between people and their "forever dogs." From the moment a puppy is born, the book tells us, a guardian angel is there to welcome the puppy into the world and to...

All Ages, Children, Dog Lovers, Illustrated, Pet Loss & Bereavement, Spiritual Christine Davis
For The Love Of Mousie

Mousie was a feral cat who I brought inside to live with me. This book chronicles my journey with Mousie in the short time he was with me. Through funny and poignant stories and diary entries you, the reader, will...

Cat Lovers, Pet Loss & Bereavement
Forever Paws

Author Christine Davis offers her third book for anyone who has had to say goodbye to a beloved dog or cat. Forever Paws is the companion title to her books For Every Dog An Angel and For Every Cat An...

All Ages, Cat Lovers, Dog Lovers, Illustrated, Pet Loss & Bereavement Christine Davis
From the Mouths of Dogs: What Our Pets Teach Us...

What is it that dogs have done to earn the title of “man’s best friend”? And more broadly, how have all of our furry, feathered, and four-legged brethren managed to enrich our lives? Why do we love them? What can...

All Ages, Dog Lovers, Illustrated, Pet Loss & Bereavement B.J. Hollars
Gently into the Night

For all who have experienced the overwhelming grief caused by the loss of a pet or animal companion. This is a guide to help you create a loving memorial service. To honor their life, their passing and the many gifts...

All Ages, Pet Loss & Bereavement, Photos Barbara Rosenfield Douglas

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Webinar: A Conversation on Pet Loss with Author E.B. Bartels

Join us for this exciting event

Rainbow Bridge
Memorial Celebration

In honor of Rainbow Bridge Memorial Day (August 28), we are offering a 20% discount on Silver and Platinum memberships throughout the entire month of August.

By joining us, you will have the unique opportunity to create a lasting online memorial for your pet, complete with photos and stories you can cherish.

Live Webinar

Navigating Pet Loss & Grief

Thursday, June 6th, 2024
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Eastern

Sponsored by:

Navigating Pet Loss & Grief, hosted by Moose’s
March, this webinar is designed to support pet
owners through the difficult journey and depth of
pet loss, anticipatory grief and understanding
guilt. This webinar will also provide 3 key
takeaways for the management of grief,
Featuring insights from renowned experts
Colleen Rolland, Association of Pet Loss and
Bereavement and Dr. Nancy Curotto, Pet Loss &
Bereavement Specialist. Attendees will have an
opportunity to ask questions of the experts.

Special Holiday Schedule

We understand that the holidays can be a difficult time for pet parents missing their fur babies. APLB will be extending our hours this year to help you – we’ll get through this together.

Chat Room

Sun Dec 24: 2 – 4 pm EST
Sun Dec 24: 8 – 10 pm EST
Mon Dec 25: 8 – 10 pm EST
Tues Dec 26: 8 – 10 pm EST
Wed Dec 27: 8 – 10 pm EST
Fri Dec 29: 8 – 10 pm EST
Sun Dec. 31: 2 – 4 pm EST
Sun. Dec 31: 8 – 10 pm EST
Mon Jan 1: 8 – 10 pm EST

Video Support Group

Sat Dec 9: 7- 9 pm EST
Sun Dec 10: 7- 8:30 EST
Sat Dec. 23: 7 – 9 pm EST

This year the Association of Pet Loss & Bereavement (APLB) is participating in Giving Tuesday, December 3rd. Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement, unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. 

Please give generously. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those grieving the loss of their cherished pets.

This year the Association of Pet Loss & Bereavement (APLB) is participating in Giving Tuesday, on December 3rd. Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement, unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. 

Please give generously. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those grieving the loss of their cherished pets.