You came to my life as a two-month-old and it was love at first sight. The bond was instant.
You came at a perfect time in our lives, teenage kids, our midlife crisis – you were our conversation opener at times when tempers flew high or real talks became awkward: “How was Simba today?” or “Simba did this today!” Some days I could connect with family members only through Simba talk.
You knew each one’s personality and got the best of us all, mommy for food, brother for hikes and parks, sister for cuddles. As the household got smaller with adult kids leaving, you started filling their spaces with companionship and emotional support for me. You were my “hooman” in the house. You never let me feel lonely even for a minute – sometimes I would call you “velcro” as you would be glued to me and followed me around everywhere.
You grew older with me, and time just flew by. Your love made me dedicated to nurturing you – cooking your veggies, taking long walks rain, shine, ice or wind.
I thought I got everything right for you and was thinking nothing would happen to you for many years to come – but without much notice you left us.
Life came to a standstill that day. But you came back in my dreams, and you asked me a question: “Mommy what did you learn from me?” I was at a loss for words and then I said: “Love, you loved everyone” and I remember you corrected me: “Mommy, my love was unconditional without any judgement.” That is what I learnt from you.
My life has not been the same since, I see everyone with the eyes of my hero Simba – just pure love.